Modern Angular at Scale – Performance and Architecture

Workshop on May 6th, 2024, 10am - 5pm
In this workshop, you will learn how to use standalone components to build more modular and scalable applications. You will also learn how to use the new inject function for dependency injection. We will also teach you to understand signals and fine-grained reactivity to boost your application's performance.

We will cover all details of NgOptimizedImages, SSR, and how to scale component architecture.

Dieser Workshop findet auf Englisch statt.
This workshop will be given in English.


  • Basic Angular


  • Signals CD vs. default Angular CD
  • Standalone Components, Directives and Pipes
  • Dependency injection: new inject method
  • Functional guards, interceptors & resolvers
  • New provider functions
  • New router provider
  • Signals: Angular's new reactive primitive
  • Fine-grained change detection
  • Typed reactive forms
  • Directive composition API
  • NgOptimizedImage
  • SSR & hydration
  • esbuild


  • from 09:00am CEST: Registration and welcome coffee
  • 10:00am CEST: Start
  • 12:30 - 1:30pm CEST: Lunch break
  • 3:00 - 3:15pm CEST: Coffee break
  • 4:15 - 4:30pm CEST: Coffee break
  • approx. 5:00pm CEST: End


Technische Anforderungen

  • GitHub and NPM access to all packages
  • A personal computer is required



Michael Hladky
Michael Hladky is a Google Developer Expert (GDE), Microsoft MVP, Nx champion, trainer, and consultant with a focus on Angular and RxJS. For years he has been helping companies and developers to set up scalable architectures and performant processes enabling teams to keep up with state-of-the-art development. A vibrant member of the tech community, he organizes multiple community events and workshops to give back.

Christopher  Holder
Christopher Holder is a Full Stack Engineer at He does consulting and auditing on Angular applications to help companies optimize their application architecture and performance. As an open source contributor, he collaborates on projects that help make the web faster and speed regression by making testing performance easier and scalable.


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