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Beats in the Browser – Coding Music With JavaScript

JavaScript is extremely versatile. We use it to build frontend, backend, desktop and mobile apps. But did you know you can even create music with it?!

In this talk, Rowdy will show you how easy and fun it is to code your own music with the Web Audio API. As a bonus, he will throw in the Web MIDI API and Web Bluetooth API to really get the party started. Let's turn up the bass!


  • Basic JavaScript


  • Show developers you can also have fun with JavaScript :-)



Rowdy Rabouw
Rowdy Rabouw is a web developer with over 25 years of experience in HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP. Currently, he is a Front-End Focused Senior DevOps Engineer working on Vue.js and Node.js projects with special attention for accessibility. Rowdy loves watching superhero movies and Formula One races and enjoys riding his mountain bike to unwind.


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