Visual Regression Testing With Playwright

When we test web applications, we often focus on the functionality. But can we also test our CSS? Can we test canvas output, SVGs, or 3D models?

Visual regression testing is one way to do that. It means that we compare screenshots, and it has existed for some time now. But it can be fragile, difficult to set up and hard to maintain, which is why we usually do not use it.

Playwright, the "new kid on the block" of e2e-testing frameworks, provides screenshot comparison out-of-the-box. Does it also solve the common challenges of visual regression testing?

In this talk, we will learn how to set up visual regression testing with Playwright. We will talk about the pitfalls and how to avoid them.


  • Basic knowledge of JavaScript
  • Interest in testing web applications


  • What are the pitfalls of visual regression testing?
  • How to set up Playwright to solve the common challenges



Nils Knappmeier
Nils Knappmeier has been writing code since he was a child and has been working as a web developer since 2007. He is passionate about clean code, automated testing, CI/CD and TypeScript.


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