Donnerstag, 09:00 Uhr

Beating the large scale web app monster

Many companies are struggling when it comes to changing large scale web applications. We, at Wix, faced this struggle in 2015 when we migrated from AngularJS 1.x to ReactJS, affecting 50 million users at the time.

How can we load an Angular application inside a React container? Is an iframe a good idea? Can we do better? Furthermore: How do we handle the API between such applications? How do we deploy dependant applications in the right order? What is the right order?

All of those questions and many more were solved using both technical and architectural solutions.

In this talk I’ll present our solution and the benefits we gained.

How to build supportive architecture for large-scale web applications.

Gonen Jerbi

Gonen is a FED engineer at Wix. Prior to joining Wix, he was in charge of a time critical FED app at IAF. He's enthusiastic about web app architecture.